Chinese Traditional: 襪子
Chinese Simplified: 袜子
Pinyin: wa4 zi5
Zhuyin: ㄨㄚˋ ㄗ˙
English Meaning: socks, stockings
German Meaning: Socken, Socken
Classifier: (zhi1) or (zhi1) or (shuang1)

Example Sentences:

wo3 de5 wa4 zi5 po4 le5 yi2 ge5 dong4, ming2 tian1 wo3 dei3 mai3 shuang1 xin1 de5!
There is a hole in my sock, tomorrow I'll need to buy a new pair!
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qing3 ba3 ni3 de5 chou4 wa4 zi5 jian3 qi3 lai2, fang4 dao4 xi3 yi1 lan2 li3.
Please pick up your smelly socks, and put them in the laundry basket.
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Related Words:



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1. (an unaccentuated suffix for commonly used one-syllable nouns) 2. (a suffix added to change adjectives or verbs into nouns)

Here: (an unaccentuated suffix for commonly used one-syllable nouns)

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