Russian  by Burt111   4. Jan 2018

Please give me an example of the following two verbs which clearly shows a difference.

решать and решить
Nadezhdaforever   13. Feb 2018

Я решил остаться дома (сов.вид)
Я решал, остаться ли дома(несов.вид)

Я решают задачу.(но нельзя употребить глагол решить)
Burt111   13. Feb 2018

Thank you so much, but could you please give more context to explain why you use сов.вид and несов.вид.contrasting the two. For example:
A: Sys so and so. (or asks a question)
B: Sys so and so. (or replies)
etc. One example which cannot use perfect aspect and another example which cannot use imperfect aspet.
Then I will understand the difference in usage. Thank you.
Nadezhdaforever   14. Feb 2018

Non-perfect shows the duration or the repetition of actions. Such verbs answer the question что делать? Perfect shows the beginning,or the end, or the result of any action or the action single. In this case the question is что сделать? So:
1) son: Мама, я целый час решал ( что делать? решать несов.вид) эту задачу и все- таки решил (что сделать? решить сов.вид)!
Mum: Молодец! Если ты будешь решать такие задачи каждый день, то сможешь подобную задачку за пять минут.
2) Собрание длилось уже два часа.Каждый оратор предлагал решить вопрос своим способом. Ведущий сказал: Решать можно долго, а решить нужно сейчас.Решайте быстрее.
Burt111   14. Feb 2018

Thank you so much! That's exactly how I want to have problems solved, by contrasting context.
Please give me contrasting examples of the following imperatives. I don't understand the differences.

Ходи! (Go when you have time, or when you feel like going. ??)

Иди! (Go. Now! (to school) ????)

Пойди! (Go to school and do so and so. ??)

всетаки (?) The dictonary says: "still" or "all the same" I don't understand how that translation fits into your sentence. Let me try to translate: Please correct.

Son: Mama!For a complete hour I have been (trying to) solve this (mathmatical) problem, and still (?) (not?) solved. or (I've solved it. (?) Please explain the last clause.)

Thank you again. I was hoping you would give me and example of решатъ решитъ meaning to "decide" rather than "solve." For example

A: You look happy.
B: Yes, I am! I have decided to go to Paris =
I have been deciding for a long time. ("I have been deciding" is not possible in English, but that's what it means. ??) imperfect aspect.OK? Yet, I have decided seems like finished action/decision ??

A: You look happy.
B: Yes, I am. Yesterday I decided to go to Paris. (perfect aspect because the "deciding is finish." OK?
Nadezhdaforever   15. Feb 2018

Can I find you on Facebook page? It's not easy to write by i-phone.
Nadezhdaforever   15. Feb 2018

Can I find you on Facebook page? It's not easy to write by i-phone.
Nadezhdaforever   15. Feb 2018

Can I find you on Facebook page? It's not easy to write by i-phone.
Burt111   15. Feb 2018

What about email? My email address is: [email protected]
Nadezhdaforever   15. Feb 2018

Hi, Burt111, I'll write you. My email: [email protected]
Nadezhdaforever   15. Feb 2018

Hi, Burt111, I'll write you. My email: [email protected]
Burt111   15. Feb 2018

OK. Got it. Thanks. Write me!

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