Auto Details  by malaili2  Superman Site Supporter   24. Apr 2014

When you give us a sentence, at least in browser mode, we can mouse-over a word and get the definition. It's fantastic!

Could/would it be possible to do the same when we are viewing a word?

I began to study a new list of words, and I came across 气氛, I remembered 气 meant or had something to do with air, but I had no idea about the meaning of 氛。

To see the meaning, I had to click on details and then scroll down to see the definition.

If we were to mouse-over the word when shown in the
" [Show Words]" mode, it would be a huge huge benefit.

My Dear Sirs, even though, I am continually asking for features,
I am very very pleased with you site. I am only voicing an opinion and a sincere interest in making things better. (in my opinion)
oliver  Superman Site Supporter   24. Apr 2014

This would be difficult to program. Keep asking for features though!
malaili2  Superman Site Supporter   25. Apr 2014

Excuse me for asking, but I want to make sure we are talking about the same thing.

Since I can mouse over a "word" in a sentence, and get it's meaning, I would think that the ability to do that for a single word would be about the same (difficulty).

I know absolutely nothing about programming, so please forgive my ignorance.

This won't help you any, but in Wenlin, anytime you mouse over a word, the definition(s) appear at the bottom of the screen, it even breaks down a compound word into its component characters, just like you do with your details for a compound word.

Sorry to bother you.
oliver  Superman Site Supporter   25. Apr 2014

A mouseover would be possible to program in the same way as the sentences. But what I meant is that at this advanced stage it would take a lot of time and money to do. And in a way this feature is already available through the Related words at the bottom of the word detail pages.

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