List-Making  by malaili2  Superman Site Supporter   30. May 2014

I am making lists, and want to take a large list, (50+) and break it down into smaller (~7) more manageable lists.

Is there a easy/simple way to do this?
oliver  Superman Site Supporter   30. May 2014

There is no such feature I'm afraid.
malaili2  Superman Site Supporter   30. May 2014

There is!

Not exactly, but if I merge the big list with an "empty list," and then "show the words," now in the "non-empty list, I can relatively quickly delete all but the words I want from the "non empty list."

Then just repeat the process for remaining "empty lists."

It's not pretty, but it is much faster than adding the words using the text analyzer, particularly if there are words that need to be added manually.
oliver  Superman Site Supporter   30. May 2014

OK great!
erfosp  Superman Site Supporter   4. Oct 2014

Hi! Personally I prefer to use "Manage list" "Add sentence list" and choose the "Advanced list" option. I prefer to have 20 sentences in the "loop". After the new list is created it will automatically become the active list. I use "Sentences by level", "Sentences by topic" or "New sentences" to add new sentences to my new list. It is a relatively fast procedure and it takes only just a minute to add around 50 sentences. Then all the sentenses in the list are looped through one time by using "Practice sentences". It is easy to prioritize the sentences or to remove or to block sentences with the buttons on the "Practice sentenses" form. Click "1 hour" for sentences with a high priority and for sentenses with a lower priority one of the other 5 buttons with a higher timevalue (1day-90 days). After going through all the sentenses in the list one time in this way a priority order have been created. 20 sentences (or whatever value choosen when the list was created) are kept in the study loop. Sentenses will come up in the priority-order created. Later while studying the list reprioritizing is done continually. If I want to remove a sentense from the sudy loop I use "1 hour" or "1 day" many times before I click a higher time value. If i decide to give a sentence a lower priority I give it a higher time-value or to "remove" or to "block" it. Usually I create a "Word list" with the same name as the sentence-list and add words to it from the "Practice sentenses" form and I study the synchronized word list in the same session as the sentencelist.
oliver  Superman Site Supporter   9. Oct 2014

Thanks erfosp for telling us how you use the site.

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