Correct translation/French  by Glat64   8. Jul 2014

"Son travail est si stressant qu'il a commencé à avoir des cheveux gris dès trente ans."
"His work is so stressful that he got gray hair when he was thirty."

Is the above French sentence correct ? Because I can't find one example of the use of "dès" in this manner. Shouldn't it be more like... Quand il avait deux ans/ A deux ans./ A l'âge de deux ans.

What is the source of these translations as well ? Does anyone know please ?
nathalie.sappey  Superman Site Supporter   9. Jul 2014

The French sentence is correct. It's just emphasising the fact that he had grey hair quite young. "Dès" means "as soon as". If you'd like to have something closest to the English, you could say "il a commencé à avoir des cheveux gris à trente ans", but the first sentence is fine as well.

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